Friday, August 3, 2012

Full Moon on the St. Marys River

I see the moon
And the moon sees me.
God bless the moon and God bless me.

That little ditty that I used to recite to my children certainly has been true this week here in the Soo. We have been enjoying some of the most spectacular scenes of the summer the past few nights.  The moon has been rising around 8 pm and coming up over Sugar Island.  We don't get dark here until about 10 pm and that has allowed me to take some pictures.  Of course, pictures never convey the breathtaking beauty that we are seeing but hopefully this will give you an small sense of the great views we are enjoying.

 This shot was taken on 7-31-12
 The full moon rising over Sugar Island around 9 pm.

 The American Integrity heading down the St. Marys River under the light of the August full moon.

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