Friday, January 30, 2009

Who Owns the Griffin Shipwreck?

Here's an interesting turn of events in the squabble over who owns the Griffin, the 17th century ship supposedly in northern Lake Michigan.

France Asserts Ownership of Griffin shipwreck

Now France is saying they own the shipwreck and joins the legal battle that has been going on between the State of Michigan and Great Lakes Exploration LLC who claim to have located the Griffin.

The Griffin was built by LaSalle and disappeared on its maiden voyage in 1679 loaded with furs when it departed Wisconsin near Green Bay.

It never ceases to amaze me that the waters of the St. Marys River are the same waters sailed by early explorers and must look somewhat the same.

I read a poem by Jane Johnston Schoolcraft that was written about 200 years ago. The thoughts remain true even today.

Fair land of the lakes! thou are blest to my sight,
With thy beaming bright waters, and landscapes of light;
The breeze and the murmur, the dash and the roar,
That summer and autumn cast over the shore,
They spring to my thoughts, like the lullaby tongue,
That soothed me to slumber when youthful and young.

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